Summer Media Arts Camp – FREE to low-income families!

Venice Arts 13445 Beach Ave., Venice

CALLING ALL YOUNG PHOTOGRAPHERS, FILMMAKERS, & COMIC ARTISTS! JULY 5-29 FREE FOR LOW-INCOME FAMILIES Build new skills and master old ones as we uncover the stories in our own backyards! Registration is OPEN for Summer Media Arts Camp! Classes available for ages 10-13 in the mornings from 9am-12pm and ages 14-18 in the afternoons from 2pm-5pm. We offer classes in Comics, Photography, and Filmmaking; 2 sessions at a time. Join us for only Session 1 (July 5-15), only Session 2 (July 18-29), or for both! Visit us online at to sign up or give us a call at (310) 392-0846 for more information. Link: