Meet your local nonprofits

Nov 7, 2022

The holidays are here, and along with parties, shopping and decorating, it’s also a time to think about giving back. The Hometown News area is home to great nonprofits, and we recently connected with the leaders of some of our favorites to learn more about their organizations and how the community can get involved to support their worthwhile causes, just in time for Giving Tuesday on November 29. Read on to hear from the Executive Directors or board presidents of six groups that work every day to make a positive impact in the neighborhood and beyond.

Click HERE to read about The Home EC Center

Click HERE to read about the LAX Coastal Ed Foundation

Click HERE to read about Airport Marina Counseling Service

Click HERE to read about Friends of Ballona Wetlands

Click HERE to read about Westchester Rotary

Click HERE to read about the Westchester Family YMCA

Photos by Zsuzsi Steiner.

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